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With over 20 years of experience translating from English into Spanish and vice versa, both in the fields of Business and Legal Translation, we translate your documents accurately and in clear terms, conveying your message appropriately in the target language.

Our translators are members of the following associations: FIT, and the Ecuadorian Association of Translators and Interpreters (ATIEC by its acronym in Spanish)

Visit our Services section for more information, or Contact us to request a quote.


Our services are tailored to your requirements

Excellent price-to-quality ratio

Strict confidence and reserve

Accurate and consistent terminology

Reliability, promptness and accuracy


Legal & Business

Agreements, contracts, court transcriptions, affidavits, witness statements, confidentiality agreements, certifications and legal declarations, sworn statements, regulations and laws, government reports, court records, patent documents and trademarks, letters of credit, technical documents for litigation, licenses, registration documents, expert reports, litigation and arbitration documents; corporate documents and correspondence, financial statements, appointments of directors and officers, meeting minutes, leases, audit reports, accounting reports, advertising and marketing documents, investment, banking and finances, real estate, maritime transport, charter party agreements, customs documents, taxes and tax returns, intellectual property, evidentiary documents, among others.

Oil & gas industry

Material safety data sheets (MSDS), risk analysis, occupational health; health, security and environment (HSE); work instruction manuals; accident prevention, training and human resources forms; monitoring and evaluation handbooks; quality assurance and quality management system manuals; contracts and bids.

Ecology & the Environment

Sustainable development, occupational health and safety guidelines and policies, personal protection equipment items and uses, hazardous waste materials and their disposal, environmental legislation, remediation programs, chemical spills, emergency response guidelines, etc.

Import & Export

Export / Import Agreements, translation of corporate internal documents, web pages, patents, business brochures, reference material for the creation of new products, news and press releases, instruction materials, labels, packaging, slogans and marketing content, etc.

Academic documents

Graduation certificates, diplomas, transcripts, curricula, applications, letters of admission, registrations, student visas, etc.

Personal documents

Birth, marriage and death records, divorce papers and divorce decrees; driver licenses, durable power of attorney, employment verifications, personal letters, wills, among others.

General Content

Correspondence, e-mails, general reports, general newspaper articles, magazines, etc.

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*Price estimates are not exact, and are based on third-party service and bank fees which are subject to change at any given moment.

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If you are requesting a quote, please state your translation requirements, as well as the purpose of the translation, the target market and if you have any reference material or specific terminology you would like to be used for your translated document, as well as any particular formatting needs. We will reply as soon as possible.

There may be additional charges for extra services such as desktop publishing, working with less accessible file formats.

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Need something translated? Get it translated now at Professional translation services from English into Spanish and vice versa. Document translation services of a wide variety of subjects and fields Try out our services for free by requesting a test translation Contact us if you need additional information or want to request a quote Frequently asked questions clients generally have about about the services offers. Pay for your translation project online with credit or debit card.
Translations between English and Spanish Services Test our translation services for free Contact us and request a quote